Friday 12 February 2016

CryptoCellar has again risen from the ashes


Like the mythological bird Phoenix my Web pages CryptoCellar at has risen from the ashes. Unfortunately it has taken longer than I anticipated. It is still the old, but nevertheless revised, pages that are back. It will probably take a lot more time before I have a new design ready. The ideas are there but the time and energy is lacking. At least I am now feeling that I am back on track and if I am not get too much sidetracked there are still hope that I will be able to present you with some new material from time to time. At least I should try to be a little more active on these pages, submitting the occasional news and ideas from the CryptoCellar world.
In the meantime please have a look at the old pages and see if there is still something there that you find interesting. Most of the stale links have been repaired and a few new ones have been added. I am sure there are still some sore points here and there, but I will try to deal with those in the days and weeks to come.


  1. Glad to hear your're back, Frode. I was already worried that some artificial black hole swallowed you back to CERN. Keep the post coming! Any change that the Cryptocellar website and the fantastic "Breaking German Amry Ciphers" comes back on-line somewhere?

  2. Oups, ingnore the slow and old Belgian dude, I didn't see your last twitter about the website, haha

  3. Oh, I cannot ignore an old friend like you. I am happy you have discovered the restored Web pages. I will try to be more active both here on the blog and with building on the information in the Web pages. There are many things to attend to at the moment so it will not happen over night but hopefully more often than every second year or so.

  4. I suppose we both suffer the same disease, time shortage. Man, does time flies! I just changed all my website links that go to your webpage. Keep busy, Frode!

  5. Finally! Frode, there are few people who know more about WWII crypto history. You owe it to the world to write more about that period.


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