CryptoCellar Tales
Sunday, 25 March 2018
Who was Harry Welsch?
I know very little about Harry Welsch but what I know makes me curious and eager to know more. During the Second World War Harry Welsch wor...
Sunday, 5 February 2017
Modern breaking of Enigma ciphertexts
The title on this posting is also the title of my latest Cryptologia article co-authored with Olaf Ostwald. The purpose is of course to giv...
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
The Secrets of the Lorenz Schlüsselzusatz SZ42
The Secrets of the Lorenz Schlüsselzusatz SZ42 is a Web page that I have dedicated for information about the German teleprinter cipher m...
Saturday, 5 March 2016
Die Arbeiter, die die Enigma bauten
Message for English Readers: This article is an attempt to make the history of the workers who built the Enigma more accessible to German ...
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