Sunday, 15 February 2015

Crypto Cellar Tales is NOT Dead

Many of you probably are wondering what has happened to Crypto Cellar Tales. A Blog that does not publish anything must be dead. This is usually the case but it is not the exactly true for Crypto Cellar Tales. I warned you in my first posting that I probably would post in an erratic fashion or to say the truth: only post when I really had something to tell. Cracking jokes I usually do on Twitter. That it would take me more than a year to make my next posting was neither intended nor wanted, but when you lead a busy life with many interests and many commitments and on top of that you are someone who is rather slow, the outcome is given.

The important thing is that I am now back and I hope to be able to post somewhat more regularly. I know now that I have things to say that cannot be said easily on Twitter so in the next months or so I hope there will be more tales to tell. 

1 comment:

  1. This is great news Frode, don’t make us wait too long for your new essays


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